The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36608   Message #1498879
Posted By: Ebbie
03-Jun-05 - 12:45 AM
Thread Name: What's the weather like where you are?
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
Well, in Juneau Alaska, the sun is shining as it has for the last few days. This is the time of year that our days get really long and bedtime can slip right on by. It's the only place I've ever lived where perfectly good parents suddenly realize that it's almost 1:00 AM and their kids are not in bed yet.

I don't think we've hit 70F yet this year but I know it's been 68 a couple of times. That's good and warm, I can tell you.

It's scary to think about but we may have a VERY early fall. From my third floor window, looking down on a number of trees I can see that the top branches of the maple trees are yellowing. And these are NOT Japanese maples...