The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36608   Message #3074114
Posted By: Slag
13-Jan-11 - 09:06 PM
Thread Name: What's the weather like where you are?
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
The weather here is pretty much the same as it has always been: Hot in the Summer, cold in the Winter, varialbe tending warm in the Spring and variable tending colder in the Fall. No sign of global warming, no indication that the next ice-age is on the way. Some Summers are hotter than others and some winters colder, some Springs and Falls are shorter than others, some longer. Some days set records for hot or cold, for wind, fog, total rainfall and ocasional snow.

The planet is fine, the axial tilt will insure the seasons will continue. This old world has survived astroidal and meteoric bambrdments, ice-ages, extended periods of volcanism on a global scale, overpopulations and hardly any life at all. The planet is fine but we human are what is in danger. We are in danger from ourselves and our selfishness and ignorance. If global warming is a fiction, so what? We need to live as though it were a fact because the human animal cannot survive long in its waste output. We need to become very intelligent about our actions and their consequences. We need to see that our lives are inextricably bound up in the environment as it is. Health to the environment is health to Mankind.