The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36608   Message #3668886
Posted By: JennieG
14-Oct-14 - 02:18 AM
Thread Name: What's the weather like where you are?
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
Guest Manuel, I live in Tamworth, a town in north-western New South Wales, Oz.

After I wrote that last post we had more rain for a grand total of 19 mls over 24 hours yesterday, and more storms and rain are forecast tonight. Oz has cycles of drought and flood, drought and flood; we had a flood four years ago and well above average rain for a couple of years, but last year (after a promising start) was below average and this year even more so. Concern is felt because town water supplies are a bit low and we are heading into what is forecast to be a dry hot summer again, last year's summer was the hottest ever.

But what the heck, next year we might have a flood again......