The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159487   Message #3856459
Posted By: Senoufou
22-May-17 - 03:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spring is here
Subject: RE: BS: Spring is here
Actually it's quite funny to watch at Wroxham. There are those wooden picnic tables arranged down by the river and the Broad. Unsuspecting tourists from 'oop North' sit there munching on their takeaway food, and suddenly a big swan's head on a huge long neck pops up right beside them, followed by another and another, until they're surrounded by them. They stretch out and help themselves to the food on the table, while the tourists sit frozen in terror!

Meanwhile, under the table are various ducks and Canada geese etc.,idly trying to chew their trousers and shoes, while overhead, dozens of seagulls drop large dollops of wet poo.

It's a laugh a minute down there, as other tourists have rented a boat for an hour, and from the same spot one can watch queues of them heading under the low bridge, where the archway is very narrow. They either bump their heads or crunch the boat. Every few minutes there's a cry of "Ouch!" or "Oh no!"