The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165268   Message #3962522
Posted By: Steve Gardham
20-Nov-18 - 04:24 PM
Thread Name: A repository for your music pictures...
Subject: RE: A repository for your music pictures...
I empathise totally with what you have done. The ethos of this very forum as I see it is sharing, mostly information yes, freely and without commercial interest. The very idea of Wikipedia is that of sharing, though looking at the bumf I get from them it seems to be a precarious existence. I do make a small donation now and then.

In my area (Hull) we have gathered together all of our records, paperwork, recordings, photos etc. and persuaded the local History centre to set up an archive for us. Eventually we hope to set up a website for it. If we weren't doing this I would happily follow your example.