The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169449   Message #4100938
Posted By: YorkshireYankee
06-Apr-21 - 12:29 AM
Thread Name: Any April Songs?
Subject: RE: Any April Songs?
This is a song I wrote for the April song swap of the Paint Creek Folklore Society of Rochester (near Detroit), Michigan (not sure what year it was, maybe 1996 or 97). We have a theme every month and it was "April Fool". I'd had an idea in mind for weeks without having time to sit down and try to write anything, but the drive to the meeting took about 20 minutes, so I composed it in my head as I drove there. (Don't think I'd be able to do it all in my head now, sadly!)


© ~1997 Vikki Appleton Fielden

Come sit ye down beside me and hear my sorry tale
And if you have a mind to, you might purchase me an ale
Me heart is sick and weary and me pride is hurtin' bad
And if you listen, you will hear the time that I have had.

    And there's no fool like an April fool
    I thought I'd learned me lessons
    But now I'm back in school
    And there's no fool like an April fool
    So I'll just drink and sit and think
    How love can be so cruel.

Now I was just a fool for love -- I guess I lost me head
But she was young and pretty and she winked at me and said
Come sit ye down beside me and we'll have a drink or two
Her charms were irresistible... what else was I to do?


We passed a lovely evening there and when she asked me in
I knew that luck was with me (or perhaps it was the gin)...
The next thing I remember I was lyin' in the street
Without a stitch of clothing or the shoes upon me feet.


So now, your Honour, here I stand, and now I comprehend
Not every lass who smiles at you is bound to be a friend
So if you'll take a tip from me concernin' lovin's game
Don't trust a girl who tells you, Sir, that April is her name...

For there's no fool like an April fool (etc.)

Note: Sometimes I start the chorus with "And" instead of "For", usually on verse 3.

Sorry, no link to a video, but if anyone would like an mp3 with the melody, PM me.