The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169209   Message #4155396
Posted By: Monique
17-Oct-22 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English

[Mari]. Qu'allais-tu faire à la fontaine
Corbleu*, Marion
Qu'allais-tu faire à la fontaine ?
[Femme] -J'étais allée quérir de l'eau mon Dieu, mon ami.
J'étais allée quérir de l'eau.

[M] -Mais qui est-ce donc qui te parlait ?
[F] -C'était la fille de not' voisine.

[M] -Les femmes ne portent pas d' culottes** !
[F] -C'était sa jupe entortillée.

[M] -Les femmes ne portent pas d'épée !
[F] -C'était son fuseau qui pendait.

[M] -Les femmes ne portent pas d' moustaches !
[F] -C'étaient des mûres qu'elle mangeait.

[M] -Le mois de mai n'a pas de mûres !
[F] -C'était une branche d'automne.

[M] -Va m'en quérir une assiettée
[F] -Les oiseaux les ont toutes mangées !

[M] -Alors, je te coup'rai la tête
[F] -Alors, que ferez-vous du reste ?

[M] -Je le jett'rai par la fenêtre
[F] -Adroite et souple je saurai être.

[M] -Vite, sans crier, fais ta prière
[F] -Mettrez au moins mes os en terre ?

[M] -Pour une fois je te pardonne
[F] -Pour une fois et pour bien d'autres.

[Husband] "What did you go at the fountain for?
Zounds, Marion!
What did you go at the fountain for?"
[Wife] "I'd gone to fetch some water. My God, my dear!
I'd gone to fetch some water."

[H] "But who was speaking to you?"
[W] "It was our neighbor's daughter."

[H] "Women don't wear pants."
[W] "It was her wrapped skirt."

[H] "Women don't carry a sword."
[W] "It was her spindle that was hanging."

[H] "Women don't have a moustache."
[W] "It was blackberries she was eating."

[H] "The month of May has no blackberries"
[W] "It was an autumn branch."

[H] "Go fetch me a plateful."
[W] "The birds have eaten them all."

[H] "Then I'll cut your head off!"
[W] "And then, what will you do with the rest?"

[H] "I'll throw it through the window!"
[W] "I'll know how to be handy and supple!"

[H] "Quick, without crying, say your prayer!"
[W] "Will you at least bury my bones?"

[H] "For once, I forgive you."
[W] "For once and many other times."

*"Corbleu" was an euphemism for "Corps de Dieu" (God's body)
**"culotte" used to mean "men's pants/breeches" while nowadays it means women's panties

This song is said to be from the 17th century. Eugène Rolland (1846-1909) collected some more in several areas in France in at least 3 languages (= more than 3 dialects!) in his Recueil de chansons populaires, 2 (1883) -with scores.

Here is an Occitan version of the song

[Òme] Ont èras tu tantòst anada?
Per Diu! Sanc Diu! Còrblu!* Marion!
Ont èras tu tantòst anada?
[Femna]-Al jardin culir d'ensalada.
Jèsus! Mon Diu! Jèsus! Mon amic!
Al jardin culir d'ensalada.

[Ò] -Qual es que te fasiá companha?
[F]- Èra ben lèu ma sòr l'ainada.

[Ò] -Las femnas pòrtan pas de bragas.
[F] -Éra sa farda retroçada

[Ò] -Las femnas pòrtan pas d'espasa.
[F] -Es sa conolha que fialava.

[Ò] -Las femnas pòrtan pas mostachas.
[F] -Éra d'amoras que minjava

[Ò] -D'amoras n'i a pas per gelada.
[F] -Éran de l'annada passada.

[Ò] -Vai te'n me'n quèrre una assietada.
[F] -Los aucelons las an minjadas

[Ò] -Tu n'es una garça provada!
[F] -Non! La soi pas encara estada.

[Ò] -E ieu te coparai la crèsta!
[F] -E puèi que faràs tu del reste?

[Ò] -Lo jetarai per la fenèstra!
[F] -Los aucelons ne faràn fèsta!

[Husband] "Where did you go lately?
By God! Damnit! Zounds! Marion!
Where did you go lately?"
[Wife] "To the garden to pick salad.
Jesus! My God! Jesus! My dear!
To the garden to pick salad."

[H] "Who kept you company?"
[W] "It was maybe my elder sister."

[H] "Women don't wear pants."
[W] "It was her rolled-up skirt."

[H] "Women don't carry a sword."
[W] "It was the distaff she was spinning."

[H] "Women don't have a moustache."
[W] "It was blackberries she was eating."

[H] "There's no blackberries when there's frost."
[W] "They were from last year."

[H] "Go fetch me a plateful."
[W] "The little birds have eaten them."

[H] "You're a proven bitch!"
[W] "No! I'm not one yet!"

[H] "I'll cut your crest off!"
[W] "And then, what will you do with the rest?"

[H] "I'll throw it through the window!"
[W] "The little birds will have a feast!"
*Per Diu = "by God", "Sanc Diu" "[by] God's blood", "Còrblu", from the French "Corbleu" euphemism for "Corps de Dieu" ([by] God's body). Cf. the French "Palsambleu, corbleu…" in which "bleu" replaces "Dieu".

There are different tunes to this song though the lyrics are more or less the same.
There are also French versions such as the one above

Louis Lambert (1835-1908) collected a few versions in his "Chants et chansons populaires du Languedoc, 2" (1906) -with scores.

Recording of a slightly different version by Laüsa, a Gascon band + its live rendition
Here is a live rendition of another version by the late Jean-Marie and Odette Vidalenc.
Another one by the late Henriette Durand.

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