The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169209   Message #4165105
Posted By: Monique
13-Feb-23 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English

El día de los torneos,
pasé yo por Morería,
y vi a una mora lavando
al pie de la fuente fría.

"Apártate, mora bella;
apártate, mora linda;
deja beber mi caballo
de esta fuente cristalina.

-No soy mora, caballero,
que soy cristiana cautiva;
me cautivaron los moros
día de Pascua Florida.
Siendo yo pequeña niña
y con apenas cinco años
De los brazos de mi padre
Los moros me arrebataron.

Me llevaron al desierto
Y allí me querían casar
Con un morito muy guapo
Y de mucho capital.

-Si te vinieras conmigo
aquí en mi caballo irías.
-Y los pañuelos que lavo,
¿dónde me los dejaría?
-Los de seda y los de Holanda,
sobre mi caballería;
y los que nada valieren
río se los llevaría.

-Y mi honra, caballero
¿dónde me la dejaría?
- Juro a los pies de mi espada,
que en el suelo está tendida,
de no hablarte ni mirarte
hasta los montes de Olías.".
Al llegar a aquellos montes
La mora llora y suspira.

"¿Por qué lloras, mora bella?
¿Por qué suspiras, mi vida?
-Lloro porque en estos montes
mi padre acá me traía
Cuando salía de caza
Con toda su cortesía
Y mi hermano Moralejo
Que me hacía compañía.

-¿Cómo se llama tu padre?
-Mi padre, Don Juan, él de Olías.
-¡Dios mío! ¿Qué es lo que dices?
¡Virgen sagrada María!

Abra usted, madre, la puerta,
ventanas y celosías
que aquí os traigo la niña
que buscabais noche y día.
Que el día de los torneos
pasé yo por Morería
Yo pensé traer mujer
y traigo una hermana mía."

On the day of the tournaments
I passed through the Moorish country,
And I saw a Moorish girl washing
At the foot of the cold spring.

"Move away, beautiful Moorish girl;
Move away, pretty Moorish girl;
Let my horse drink
From this crystalline spring."

"I am not a Moor, gentleman,
I am a captive Christian;
I was captured by the Moors
On Easter Day.
When I was a little girl
And only five years old
The Moors snatched me
From my father's arms.

They took me to the desert
And there they wanted to marry me off
To a very handsome Moorish young man
And with a lot of resources/assets."

"If you came with me
Here on my horse, you would go."
"And the linens* that I wash,
Where would I leave them?"
"Those of silk and those of Holland,
On my cavalry;
And those that'd be worthless
The river would take them away."

"And my honor, gentleman.
Where would I/you(?) leave/keep it?"
"I swear at the foot of my sword
That is lying on the ground,
Not to talk to you or look at you
Till the mounts/hills of Olías."
Upon reaching those mounts/hills
The Moorish girl cries and sighs.

"Why are you crying, beautiful Moorish girl?
Why are you sighing, my love?"
"I cry because in those mounts/hills
My father would bring me
When he went hunting
With all his entourage/retinue
And my brother Moralejo
Would keep me company."

"What is the name of your father?"
"My father, Don Juan, the one from Olías."
"My God! What are you saying?
Holy Virgin Mary!

Open the door, mother,
Windows and (window) lattices
Here I bring you the girl
You were looking for day and night.
On the day of the tournaments
I passed through the Moorish country
I thought I was bringing a wife
And I'm bringing a sister of mine."
*Pañuelos literally means "handkerchiefs" but more likely means "linens" here.

The Pan-Hispanic Ballad Project has collected 199 versions of this "romance" in different countries and communities. Many versions are said to be recited but there are a few scores posted on this page.
If you put any of the different Spanish titles in a search engine you'll come across a lot of sets of lyrics and videos.

After all, the video I took it from hasn't disappeared. So here is the version I sang sung by El Último Trovador
A very similar version though not exactly the same.

As sung by Alalumbre Folk
As sung by Nuevo Mester de Juglaría
A sung by Joaquín Díaz

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