The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172859   Message #4186718
Posted By: keberoxu
05-Nov-23 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
Just a random comment here:

I limit my access to the ongoing news coverage to
radio soundbites, selected newspaper articles.
Don't do social media or television.

When Trump became President seven years ago,
I made a decision to avoid listening to the sound of his voice.
So I was constantly switching the volume of the radio,
to be sure I didn't hear Trump speaking.

Yesterday I had the car radio on, and it was advertisement time.
So on comes an advertisement for a local auto dealer,
one who routinely uses humor in their advertisements.

THe commercial had an imitation Donald Trump shilling for the dealer.
I was truly startled by the leaden vocal delivery.
I mean, I knew it must be bad, but never before now
did I know that Trump speaking was THAT bad.