The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172859   Message #4196092
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
24-Jan-24 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
We've heard enough of the view from the UK if that's all you have to offer, it doesn't need to be repeated (which is about as annoying as anything can be in this day and age). At a more granular local level here we're all working on it.

Democrats in various local areas where primaries are happening have been asking if they should support Haley to try to keep Trump out of the election, but Trump is the face of the brand and the malignancy that need to be defeated; if the GOP should end up with Haley and were she to be elected we'd have a Trump sycophant who would pardon him of any federal crimes and let him go on his merry way. Best to defeat Trump himself and be done with it.

The civil trial by E. Jean Carroll about defamation should resume tomorrow after a COVID scare earlier in the week. It is about ready to wrap up.