The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172985   Message #4201094
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
16-Apr-24 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
I'm pretty sure we're talking about different kinds of glass chimneys; mine doesn't go on a lamp, it rests on the tabletop. I put a couple of photos on the FB page.

The back yard has been mowed, but it was dark enough when I finished that I couldn't scoop the dog droppings (part of the reason I needed to mow - I couldn't find them in the tall grass). Tomorrow. It was a good workout.

Ten pounds of flour, a couple of bottles of sauces I'm not going to use, and some things from Costco given by a friend but too much to use by myself were dropped off at the donation fridge. I will think twice about donating there again, it was looking empty and forlorn today (I think that program, as laudable as it was, has run its course.) I found some cans of sardines way past their shelf dates that I'll open and put in the blender. That slurry is great to scoop into the bottom of holes where garden bedding plants are placed.

I've split the difference on the heat pumps here. One is set to cool and the other is still set to warm. Right now the temperatures outside are mild the house is comfortable so neither one has turned on for a couple of weeks.