The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173271   Message #4201675
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
27-Apr-24 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Old fairground rides
Subject: BS: Old fairground rides
Stemming from the thread about "Art Comin' T'Wakes" I have been relistening to the song with the correct title *The Lad and the Lass" by Steve Chatrerley. It contains the line "They'll be on t'catterpillar on Saturday neet" and I remembered the referred to caterpillar ride. I dunno if it was a thing in the US but most travelling fairs had them here in the UK. Certainly in the 60s in Manchester when I were a lad anyroads:-)

For those who don't know, the caterpillar was a ride with carriages for two, linked together like a train, that just went round in circles and up and down small rises in the track. It did go quite fast but was pretty tame until the cover came over which, from the outside, gave it its caterpillar appearance. The fun inside then started for kids who loved the dark and for older couples who loved, errr, other things :-D

I don't ride on fairs any more but the ones I have visited with the kids and then grandkids don't have the caterpillar any more. What other rides have fallen by the wayside? I can think of a couple at Belle Vue but as that pleasure park has now gone altogether I shall mention those later.

What are your memories of funfairs?