The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36608   Message #524353
Posted By: Ebbie
09-Aug-01 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: What's the weather like where you are?
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
Yesterday I spent the day on an excursion boat to Tracy Arm, a fjord about 40 miles from downtown Juneau. My face got a bit sunburnt, I see this morning. It was an absolutely gorgeous day.

We saw whales, orcas, bears, mountain goats; acquamarine water, glaciers piled 800 feet into the sky... They 'calved' several times while we watched, but the most spectacular thing was having a 'shooter' come roaring up from the very depths of the glacier. It was like being present at the birth of the world. It was tremendously big, longer than a city block, tall as a ship, and shiny as a satin wedding dress colored in an unbelievable shade of opalescent blue and silver. When you realize that the top of a glacier has been there for several hundred years, who knows how long it's been since the bottom of it has seen the light of day. As the captain said, I hope you realize this is a very big event!

Incidentally, to bring this back to music, we talked about how neat it would be to 'park' there and have a music party.
