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The Mudcat Cafesj

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(Leon Rosselson)

Boys will be boys, it's a fact of human nature
And girls will grow up to be mothers

Look at little Peter, isn't he a terror?
Shooting all the neighbors with his cowboy gun
Screaming like a jet plane, always throwing something
I just can't control him. Trouble - he's the one.

Ah but boys will be boys, it's a fact of human nature
And girls will grow up to be mothers

Look at little Janie, Doesn't she look pretty?
Playing with her dolly, proper little mum
Never getting dirty, never being naughty
Don't punch your sister Peter, now look at what you've done

Ah but boys will be boys, it's a fact of human nature
And girls will grow up to be mothers

What's come over Janie, Janie's turning nasty
Left hook to the body, right hook in the eye
Vicious little hussy, now Peter's started bawling
What a bloody sissy, who said you could cry

Because boys must be boys, it's a fact of human nature
And girls must grow up to be mothers

Now things are topsy turvy. Janie wants a football
Peter just seems happy pushing prams along
Makes you feel so guilty. Kids are such a worry
Doctor, doctor, tell me, where did we go wrong

Because boys must be boys, it's a fact of human nature
And girls must grow up to be mothers

Copyright Leon Rosselson
@feminist @kids
recorded by Frankie Armstrong on The Music Plays So Grand
filename[ BOYBEBOY

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