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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Jon Freeman DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023 (1376* d) RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023 14 Sep 23

Yes, Tim is one of my three brothers.

Google offer services for people to use their map system. I think their only free one is the static api which will allow you to embed maps with plain html. They want your card on sign up regardless of your intended usage. I thought my usage would be free but after a second look, I’m not so sure. The static api allows you to place tags on maps but it wasn’t clear to me that these tags could be used as clickable links. If I had to resort to their JavaScript api, their starting point is $5 per month. Also, I found I can’t resolve all the place names that turn up on my regional extremes page to lat/long coordinates through the met office data. I found a free service that meets my needs but, if I wanted to use Google’s geolocation api, prices start at $7 per month.

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