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Jon Freeman BS: Anyone know owt about Mazda MX5s? (31) RE: BS: Anyone know owt about Mazda MX5s? 29 Aug 23

I can't work it out but I think these rotary engined cars probably were OK if the instructions for caring for them were followed precisely.

On other cars that had a bit of an odd reputation. One of my brothers worked as a Citroen mechanic for a few years. He liked the hydropneumatic suspension but a lot of people were wary of it and other garages would say working on it was a Citroen main dealership job. If my memory is correct, there are a couple of things to look out for though.   The pressure can drop suddenly so you don't want to casually crawl underneath one. And the pressure in the spheres (I think that's what they are called) can be very high. Mark was aware of someone getting killed by removing one with the system under full pressure.

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