The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62859   Message #1017351
Posted By: Stewie
12-Sep-03 - 02:39 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Allende (Don Lange)
Subject: Lyr Add: ALLENDE (Don Lange)
I first heard first came by this song on a Moving Hearts LP and hadn't heard the original. It was not on the two Don Lange LPs that I have. However, Art Thieme recently sent me some wonderful tapes of his favourites which included Don Lange singing 'Allende'. It seems that Christy took considerable liberties with Lange's text. What a brilliant song!

(Don Lange)

The nighthawk swoops and the hoot owl hoots
And we're driving on down the road
And, like it or not, this country'll rock
On the all-night radio show
The announcer comes on, says if you've got ideas
We'll find a patent for you
For what good's an idea that's not in the store
Making a buck or two

It's a long, long way from the heartland
To Santiago Bay
Where the good doctor lies, with blood in his eyes
And the bullets read US of A
And the bullets read US of A

We passed through towns where shutters pulled down
Say the all-night restaurant's closed
It's the land of the free, it's booze or TV
And a bum in each telephone booth
But the stars in the trees and an early spring breeze
Says forget what assassins have done
And take this good land in the palm of your hand
And wait for tomorrow's sun


A trucker's good life here includes a good wife here
He rides along on his rig
And they move the goods, all the copper and wood
And that makes America great
But their taxes like birds head for the south
Where they think they've got something to gain
Allende is killed, Uncle Sam foots the bill
Communeros are rolling again


The nighthawk swoops and the hoot owl hoots
And we're driving on down the road
A full moon reveals all the houses and fields
Where good people do what they're told
A poet lies with coins on his eyes
And no one's around him to mourn
For what good is a poet who can't take commands
Who'd rather make love than war

Final chorus:
It's a long, long way from the heartland
To Santiago Bay
Where the good doctor lies, with blood in his eyes
And the bullets read US of A
It's a long, long way from the heartland
To Santiago Bay
Where the good doctor lies, with blood in his eyes
And the bullets read US of A
And the bullets read US of A

Source: transcription of Don Lange 'Allende'.

I heard on the radio today that Australia's secret service also played a despicable role in this abominable episode.
