The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32196   Message #1132679
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
09-Mar-04 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: song history - How Can I Keep From Singing
Subject: RE: Help: song history - How Can I Keep From Singing
Burke, the link to the statement about Plenn's "Quaker grandmother" is in my post of 8:10 pm. (forgot to link in my earlier post). The quote itself is in the earlier post. Here is the link again:
How Can I Keep

I had read the Paton posts in the other thread and they do not indicate whether or not Plenn's grandmother was a Quaker, nor whether the quote attributed to her in the remarks to which I linked are genuine (the quote not mentioned in Paton's posts, she may not have seen it).

Did Pete Seeger invent the quotation?