The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2915   Message #13338
Posted By: Joe Offer
27-Sep-97 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: Military Jodies?
Subject: RE: Military Jodies?
Oh, and in answer to your question, I don't think this subject has been discussed here before, and it might make a very interesting thread. The only "jodies" I'm familiar with are the Duckworth Chant, and what I learned in Basic Training. Most of THOSE I wouldn't recite in mixed company, but I think there are some that are quite clever.
I dropped out of a Roman Catholic seminary in 1970, and lost my "divinity student" draft exemption. I considered filing as a Conscientious Objector; but at the time, I could not say that I was completely opposed to all war in all circumstances. I've moved a little closer to complete pacifism in my old age. Even at the age of 21, though, I had trouble shouting out,
I want to be an Airborne Ranger
I want to live a life of danger
I want to go to Viet Nam
I want to kill old Charlie Cong
I didn't want to kill anybody. I'm sure glad they sent me to Berlin, where I worked as a German linguist.
-Joe Offer-