The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2915   Message #2086100
Posted By: EuGene
25-Jun-07 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: Military Jodies?
Subject: RE: Military Jodies?
AZ: Actually yours was the 101th post, but I'm not real sure I understand the point about post #100 . . . is there a prize involved like "The one millionth customer! He is the lucky winner of this shiny new Tatra Djet Sport Coupe!!"

Something doesn't compute in that article about Marines using that Airborne Ranger chant . . . Airborne Rangers are specially trained ARMY paratroopers! I have two brothers who served in the Marine Corps, and they said no self respecting Marine would ever use a chant about wanting to be an Army trooper - even in jest!!
