The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121231   Message #2644668
Posted By: alanabit
31-May-09 - 03:39 AM
Thread Name: Victor Jara killer arrested-36 yrs late
Subject: RE: Victor Jarra killer arrested-36 yrs late
History has a way of relegating murderers like Nathuram Godse and Gavrilo Prinicip to the footnotes. I hope the same happens to the murderer here. Blaming a hapless eighteen year old conscripted trigger squeezer for Victo Jara's death (which is what he was at the time) is a pretty pointles exercise. It is the officers and the tyranny, which they represented, who should be on trial. Above all, the cloak of false dignity should have been stripped from the ugly criminal Pinochet years ago. Why is it that when a gangster reaches a certain level, we begin to recognise him as a "statesman"?