The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152181   Message #3560081
Posted By: Jim Dixon
20-Sep-13 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Abre la Ventana (Victor Jara)
Subject: Lyr Add: ABRE LA VENTANA (Victor Jara)
It's not really a "Lyr Add" unless you post lyrics. So I'll post them, from the above web site (which also has a recording of Victor Jara singing it):

Victor Jara

abre la ventana
y deja que el sol alumbre
por todos los rincones
de tu casa.

mira hacia fuera
nuestra vida no ha sido hecha
para rodearla de sombras
y tristezas.

Maria, ya ves
no basta nacer, crecer, amar,
para encontrar la felicidad.

Pasó lo mas cruel,
ahora tus ojos se llenan de luz
y tus manos de miel


Tu risa brota como la mañana,
brota en el jardín

I'm not fluent enough in Spanish to provide a good translation, at least, not without a lot of work and consulting of dictionaries, and I'm not sure the result would be worth the trouble. (If you don't mind a bad translation, there's always Google Translate.) But despite what the blogger says, this song conveys nothing to me of what Victor Jara was famous for, or lost his life for, in what was surely a shameful episode of western-hemisphere history.