The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155997   Message #3676163
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Nov-14 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: No man's land protest
Subject: RE: No man's land protest
"Britain was treaty bound to defend Belgium."
So Britain was treaty bound to defend a murderous imperial power capable of slaughtering 15 million of its subjects - and that why millons of British lads lost their lives - now there's a cause worth dying for - or were all those "gallant little Belgium" posters just a con to persuade them to join up - can't have it both ways - Belgium was either one of the all those lads were sent to die for, or it wasn't - what's it to be?
The "massacres" that took place in Belgium were deliberately exaggerated, and if they hadn't been, they were minuscule compared to what the Belgian regime had done in the Congo, yet the world didn't twitch an eyebrow.
Mark Twain wrote an account of what was happening in the Congo, and was castigated as a leftie crank for doing so.
"They understood the cause quite well."
You have been given counts of soldiers returning from the front disillusioned - you ignore them, describing those making such statements as liars
You have been given account of the cons and "white feather" blackmail that took place - you ignore it.
They understood and supported the war o fervently that the authorities were left with no alternative than to introduce enforced conscription - that's how well they understood the cause and were prepared to die for it.
It was an Imperial war over world domination - nothing more, glorifying it as anything else is flag-wagging jingoism.
Jim Carroll