The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5550   Message #37209
Posted By: Barbara
06-Sep-98 - 12:58 AM
Thread Name: 'Mother Songs' of the tear-jerker variety
Subject: Lyr Add: WHEN I WAS A WEE WEE TOT
There's a tune to that, Jack, and a moral...

When I was a wee wee tot,
My mother put me on my wee wee pot
To see if I would wee or not,
Wee wee, wee wee, wee wee.

She took me from my wee wee pot
And put me in my wee wee cot
And there I wee wee'd quite a lot,
Wee wee, wee wee, wee wee.

She took me from my wee wee cot
And hit me on my wee wee bot
'Cause I'd not wee wee'd in the pot,
Wee wee, wee wee, wee wee.

Something like that anyway.

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 27-Sep-02.