The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36608   Message #3838328
Posted By: ChanteyLass
11-Feb-17 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: What's the weather like where you are?
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
Here we are expecting more snow starting Sunday morning and ending Monday night. I'm just inside the bad zone for this storm which will be milder for those living in southern Rhode Island. We had a blizzard on Thursday. For that storm too I lived just inside the bad zone which was milder for those living in northern RI. This is what happens to those of us living in the middle of the state! The weather reports kept giving us a blizzard warning as the snow fell and the winds blew. Finally in the mid-afternoon it was declared a blizzard. The plows came through in the late evening and I wasn't able to get outside in time to move my car to avoid being plowed in. Thank goodness for a neighbor who did most of the work shoveling my car out. I owe his family a gift certificate to a nice local restaurant.