The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165268   Message #3964581
Posted By: FreddyHeadey
03-Dec-18 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: A repository for your music pictures...
Subject: RE: A repository for your music pictures...
Colm Keating has some fabulous contemporary shots(though he started 1978 I don't see any on the website)

Among my many other interests is Music and though I don't play any instrument I love listening to Irish Trad and Folk Music, which also offers me lots of photographic opportunities, in pubs, fleadh's and festivals...I get bored if I don't have something to do. If publicans switched on a few more lights I'd be a happy man - I'm all for atmosphere in a pub but some more light would be nice! 

Its hard to beat a live trad music session, played in good company, and served with cold beer...provided you're not driving of course...don't want the ethical police complaining!

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