The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6867   Message #40531
Posted By:
06-Oct-98 - 05:29 AM
Thread Name: Planxty's Johnny of Brady's Lea
Subject: Planxty's Johnny of Brady's Lea
I've tried to transcribe the lyrics used by Planxty in the ballad Johnny of Brady's Lea, but there are some local names I can't figure out. In the third verse, Johnny's mother says: "For there are seven foresters in (something wich sounds like "Ethel Mount")" In the fifth verse: "And he's away to (something that sounds like "Moninusk") In the eighth verse there's again this "Ethel Mount" In the ninth verse the sly old man says: "As I came in by , and down the (I haven't the faintest clue about what he says here)" I would be very thankfull iff anyone could provide me the real spelling of these local names.

Erlend Gjerde