The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169209   Message #4125566
Posted By: Monique
08-Nov-21 - 02:50 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English

Se essa rua, se essa rua fosse minha
Eu mandava, eu mandava ladrilhar
Com pedrinhas, com pedrinhas de brilhante
Só pra ver, só pra ver meu bem passar

Nessa rua, nessa rua tem um bosque
Que se chama, que se chama Solidão
Dentro dele, dentro dele mora um anjo
Que roubou, que roubou meu coração

Se eu roubei, se eu roubei teu coração
Tu roubaste, tu roubaste o meu também
Se eu roubei, se eu roubei teu coração
Foi porque, só porque te quero bem

If this street if this street were mine
I'd have, I'd have it tiled
With pebbles, with pebbles of diamond
Just to see, just to see my darling pass on.

In this street, in this street there is a wood
That is called, that is called Solitude
Inside it, inside it lives an angel
Who stole, who stole my heart

If I stole, if I stole your heart,
You stole, you stole mine too
If I stole, if I stole your heart,
It was because, just because I love you
Portuguese Wikipedia has this about the song (Google translation): "There are sources that consider this song as a song created by an unknown author in honor of Princess Isabel in the 19th century. However, there are sources that dedicate the authorship to Mário Lago and Roberto Martins, from the mid-1930s."

Live performance by Trio Amadeus
Live performance by Isadora Canto (Lyrics slightly different)
Live performance by Dudah Felix

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