The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1354   Message #4192
Posted By: RoB
22-Apr-97 - 08:59 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Irish Soldier Boy^^^
Does anyone have the lyrics to "Irish soldier Boy"? or can you tell me where to look it up? It doesn't appear to be in the DT database or the Irish Folksongs DB. I have partial lyrics and would appreciate having the rest. It goes:

At a cottage door one win'try night as the snow lay on the ground/ Stood a youthful Irish soldier boy to the mountains he was bound/ His mother stood beside him saying, you'll win, my boy, don't fear/ And with loving arms around his waist, she tied his bandolier/ REFRAIN: Good-bye,God bless you, mother dear,.......

Thanks everybody, RoB PS Is this THE best site on the WEB, or what!