The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32272   Message #424084
Posted By: John Hardly
23-Mar-01 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: Help: Ian and Sylvia collaborations
Subject: RE: Help: Ian and Slyvia collaborations
Here's the project folks. Thanks for the help so far.

I thought I could figure this out on my own but you all have a vastly superior knowledge in this area of recorded music.

I am trying to make a musical link from Stevie Wonder to Ian and Sylvia via recorded music.

I thought I had it licked because I could go from Wonder to Carly Simon (Wonder plays harmonica on her "Torch" album). From there I can link Simon to the Simon Sisters and their recording of "Winken Blinken and Nod" a song that links them to the Mugwumps who, as the Mamas and Papas made a recording with Barry Mcguire doing a background vocal.

I figured--no brainer--you have McGuire and Tyson from the same era/same genre and there's bound to be a link (other than just something they both recorded). I don't even like the fact that I linked the Simon Sisters to the Mugwumps merely by a shared song rather than a shared recording.

Any ideas? Do you understand the project? Don't knock yourselves out, this ain't life or death or anything, just a little harmless fun for a too active mind.