The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8097   Message #54384
Posted By: Felipa
16-Jan-99 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Allende (Don Lange)
I found the following lyrics in "Winds of Change" (an anonymous publication similar in format to "Rise up Singing")when I was searching for songs for the Victor Jara thread:


Patria de los confines, semilla pan y cobre
Dos de tu tierra virgen, hijos libertadores
Vox indomable de Araucania
Lanza Lautaro un grito en cada amanecer.
[chords- capo up 2/ AmE-Am/F C F C/E Am E Dm Am/Dm Am E Am]

Naciste combativa contra los opresores
Defendida bandera de todos los rincones
Desde los Andes la llamarada
Brilla la independencia viene la libertad.

Es tu historia que avanza a la nueva unidad nos lleva
Chile por ti juramos no habre noche que nos detenga
!La Patria llama! Vamos con ella
Hacia la libertad.
[C G - C/~G - E/E Am - G Am-/B7 E -]

A razon dol obrero se alza en las salitreras
A trasnsformer la vida, a organizar las fuerzas
Grito de alerta Luis Recabarren
La tierra soberana debemos conquistar.

A la aurora extendida marchan los oprimidos
Fue el trabajo de todos y el fruto compartido
Allende !hermano! cantan los pueblos
Tu palabra levanto, tu ejemplo vivira
Jose Seves y Horacio Salinas Recorded on Inti-Illimani 2 Trans: Country of confined, seeed, bread and copper; your virgin soil gives birth to liberators. In the invincible voice of the Arucania (Mapuche 'Indians' of central Chile) and each day dawn is proclaimed by Lautaro (a 16th century Mapuche leader who fought the Spnaish colonialists)/ You were born in combat against oppressors, you defended the flag from all sides. From the andes comes the call - independence shines, liberty comes. Chorus: It is your history that advances, bringing us to a new destiny. Chile, we swear to you, the homeland calls. Let's move with her to liberty./ the conscience of the worker rises in the salt mines - to transform life, organise forces, shout a warning. Luis Recabarren (early 20th century radical leader), we must recover our sovereign land./ the oppressed march to a drawn out dawn. The work of all with fruits shared. Allende, brother - the people sing, your voice has risen. Your example will live on.